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澳门新葡萄新京(8883·官方网站)-正版App Store


发布人: 院领导     发布时间: 2016-07-10     浏览次数: 16956






















许文祥同志现为澳门新葡萄新京app网站研究员、博士生导师,江苏省政协第十三届委员会委员,民盟江苏省委青年工作委员会副主任。国家高层次青年人才计划入选者,美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,江苏省自然科学杰出青年基金、优秀青年基金获得者,江苏省“333人才工程”中青年学术技术带头人,江苏省“六大人才高峰”培养对象。目前担任中国力学学会颗粒材料计算力学专业组委员,1SCI期刊副主编、4本期刊编委等。主要从事颗粒与多孔介质力学在土木和水利工程领域的应用基础研究。主持3项国家自然科学基金和10余项省部级科研项目,参与国家自然科学基金原创探索项目、十三五国家重点研发计划、973项目等重大课题。以第一和通讯作者在Science子刊Sci AdvCCRWRRCMAME等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,被引2300余次,授权发明专利10项,登记软件著作权9件,参编行业标准2部、著作1部。获教育部自然科学一等奖、中国公路学会科技一等奖、中国建筑材料科技二等奖等省部级科技奖励6项。国家自然科学基金通讯评审人,上海市、河北省、安徽省、江西省、浙江省、山东省等科技项目评审人,60余个SCI期刊审稿



  1. 颗粒-多孔介质力学

  2. 物理信息基机器学习

  3. 结构复合材料智能设计

  4. 新一代混凝土多尺度力学与耐久性







2017/12—2018/12Arizona State University (United State),访问教授






  1. 2022, 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖-自然科学奖一等奖(排名3/12

  2. 2022, 中国水利水电科学研究院2021年度科学技术奖二等奖(排名3/12

  3. 2021, 中国公路学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名6/15

  4. 2020,中国建筑材料联合会•中国硅酸盐学会建筑材料科学技术奖(基础研究类)一等奖(排名9/10

  5. 2019,中国建筑材料联合会•中国硅酸盐学会建筑材料科学技术奖(基础研究类)二等奖(排名1/8

  6. 2018,大禹水利科学技术奖三等奖(排名4/10

  7. 2019,江苏省研究生教育改革成果奖二等奖 (排名11/11)

  8. 2018,河海大学教学成果奖一等奖 (排名11/11)

  9. 2016,江苏省科学技术奖三等奖(排名2/7

  10. 2016,江苏力学科学技术奖一等奖(排名2/7


  1. 江苏省自然科学杰出青年基金项目(Grant No.: BK20211523), 2021/07/012024/06/30. (主持)

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(Grant No.: 12172122), 2022/012025/12. (主持)

  3. 国家自然科学基金原创探索计划项目(Grant No.: 52150067),2022/01-2022/12. (第一参与人,河海大学负责人)

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(Grant No.:11772120), 2018/012021/12. (主持,已结题)

  5. 江苏省自然科学优秀青年基金项目(Grant No.: BK20170096), 2017/072020/06. (主持,已结题)

  6.  “十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项,300m级特高坝抗震安全评价与控制关键技术.第二课题“筑坝材料动态特性试验与机理研究” (Grant No.: 2017YFC0404902), 2017/072020/12.(参与,已结题)

  7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(Grant No.: 11402076), 2015/012017/12. (主持,已结题)

  8. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”第十三批高层次人才培养资助(海洋工程类) (Grant No.: HYGC-019), 2016/102018/11. (主持,已结题)

  9. 江苏省自然科学青年基金(Grant No.: BK20130841), 2013/122016/11/23. (主持,已结题)

  10. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(Grant No.: 2015T80493), 2015/062017/06. (主持,已结题)

  11. 中国博士后科学基金面上(一等)资助(Grant No.: 2014M560385), 2014/092016/09. (主持,已结题)


  1.  蒋金洋,许文祥,苏祥龙,王凤娟.《混凝土弹性与粘弹性多尺度理论》.科学出版社, 2023.(待出版)

  2. 许文祥,孙洪广,陈文.软物质系颗粒材料扩散行为建模 (Chapter 7, Canto II.).《中国学科发展战略-软凝聚态物理学》,科学出版社,北京,2020, pp. 147-175.


  1. Wenxiang Xu, Mingkun Jia, Wei Wang, Weiqi Guo, Bin Zhang, Jinyang Jiang*. GPU-based discrete element model of realistic non-convex aggregates: Mesoscopic insights into ITZ volume fraction and diffusivity of concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 2023, 164: 107048.

  2. Mingqi Li, Longbang Qing, Huisu Chen, Wenxiang Xu, Jianjun Lin. Diffusivity of porous media considering the coupling influence of pore shape- and size-polydispersities on the percolation: Theoretical and numerical studies. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 404: 115830.

  3. Wenxiang Xu, Kaixing Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Jinyang Jiang. Packing fraction, tortuosity and permeability of granular-porous media with densely packed spheroidal particles: monodisperse and polydisperse systems. Water Resources Research, 2022, 58(2), e2021WR031433.

  4. Wenxiang Xu, Bin Zhang, Mingkun Jia, Zheng Gong, Jinyang Jiang. Discrete element modeling of 3D irregular concave particles: Transport properties of particle-reinforced composites considering particles and soft interphase effects. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 394: 114932.

  5. Weiqi Guo, Fangyu Han, Jinyang Jiang*, Wenxiang Xu. A micromechanical framework for thermo-elastic properties of multiphase cementitious composites with different saturation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 224: 107313.

  6. Taotao Feng, Mingkun Jia, Wenxiang Xu, Fengjuan Wang, Penggang Li, Xiaozhu Wang, Yongshan Tan, Jinyang Jiang*. Three-dimensional mesoscopic investigation of the compression mechanical properties of ultra-high performance concrete containing coarse aggregates. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 133: 104678.

  7. Jinyang Jiang, Fengjuan Wang, Weiqi Guo, Wenxiang Xu. Hydraulic transport properties of unsaturated cementitious composites with spheroidal aggregates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 212: 106845.

  8. Wenxiang Xu, Yufeng Zhang, Jinyang Jiang, Zhiyong Liu, Yang Jiao. Thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of 3D porous/fractured media considering percolation. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2021, 161: 103456.

  9. Zhigang Zhu, Wenxiang Xu, Huisu Chen, Yuan Wang, Xiaofan Gou, Lin Liu, Yue Gu. Diffusivity of cement paste via a continuum-based microstructure and hydration model: Influence of cement grain shape. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 118: 103920.

  10. Xianglong Su, Donggang Yao, Wenxiang Xu. Processing of viscoelastic data via a generalized fractional model. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2021, 161: 103465.

  11. Yu Zheng, Lei Liu, Hanqing Nan, Zhenxiong Shen, Ge Zhang, Duyu Chen, Lixin He, Wenxiang Xu, Mohan Chen, Yang Jiao, Houlong Zhuang. Disordered hyperuniformity in two-dimensional amorphous silica.Science Advances, 2020, 6(16): eaba0826.

  12. Wenxiang Xu, Peng Lan, Yaqing Jiang, Dong Lei, Haixia Yang. Insights into excluded volume and percolation of soft interphase and conductivity of carbon fibrous composites with core-shell networks. Carbon, 2020, 161: 392-402.

  13. Zhigang Zhu, Wenxiang Xu, Huisu Chen, Zhijun Tan. Evolution of microstructures of cement paste via continuous-based hydration model of non-spherical cement particles. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 185: 107795.

  14. Jintao He, Dong Lei, Wenxiang Xu.In-situ measurement of nominal compressive elastic modulus of interfacial transition zone in concrete by SEM-DIC coupled method. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 114: 103779.

  15. Xianglong Su, Donggang Yao, Wenxiang Xu. A new method for formulating linear viscoelastic models. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2020, 156: 103375.

  16. Zheng Gong, Yang Wu, Zhigang Zhu, Yuan Wang, Zhiyong Liu, Wenxiang Xu. DEM and dual-probability-Brownian motion scheme for thermal conductivity of multiphase granular materials with densely packed non-spherical particles and soft interphase networks. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 372: 113372.

  17. Pei-En Chen, Wenxiang Xu, Yi Ren, Yang Jiao.Probinginformation content of hierarchical n-point polytope functions for quantifying and reconstructing Disordered Systems. Physical Review E, 2020, 102(1): 013305.

  18. Xianglong Su, Wenxiang Xu, Wen Chen, Haixia Yang*. Fractional creep and relaxation models of viscoelastic materials via non-Newtonian time-varying viscosity: Physical interpretations. Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 140: 103222.

  19. Wenxiang Xu, Yang Jiao. Theoretical framework for percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of porous materials containing 3D non-spherical pores. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2019, 134: 31-46.

  20. Wenxiang Xu, Yang Wu, Xiaofan Gou*, Effective elastic moduli of nonspherical particle-reinforced composites with inhomogeneous interphase considering graded evolutions of elastic modulus and porosity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 350: 535-553.

  21. Wenxiang Xu, Zhigang Zhu, Yaqing Jiang, Yang Jiao, Continuum percolation of congruent overlapping polyhedral particles: Finite-size-scaling analysis and renormalization-group method. Physical Review E, 2019, 99(3): 032107.

  22. Zhigang Zhu, Wenxiang Xu, Huisu Chen. The fraction of overlapping interphase around 2D and 3D polydisperse non-spherical particles: Theoretical and numerical models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 345: 728-747.


  1. 许文祥,龚政,张宇峰,蒋亚清. 2020. 一种多相高含量颗粒材料的传输性能计算方法. (ZL202010138618.X)

  2. 许文祥,张宇峰. 2020. 一种含有高堆积密度椭球颗粒的多孔材料曲折度测定方法. (ZL202010493758.9)

  3. 许文祥,兰鹏. 2020.一种含硬核-软壳结构体的颗粒增强材料导电率计算方法. (ZL201910500152.0)

  4. 许文祥,兰鹏,贾明坤,章东洋,吴杨. 2020, 一种凸形核-壳结构体排斥体积计算方法,(ZL201810235003.1)

  5. 许文祥, 韩中美, , 蒋存存, 杨楠山, 陶亮. 2019,一种二维非凸形随机骨料周围界面浓度的测定方法, (ZL201710068971.3)

  6. 许文祥, 徐彬彬, 韩中美, 杨楠山, 蒋存存. 2019, 二维高含量颗粒增强复合材料三相细观模型及建立方法, (ZL201710052505.6)


  1. 20221021-23日,大会特邀报告,第六届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议,杭州,浙江大学

  2. 许文祥. 混凝土多尺度力学:粘弹性性能. 第十二届无机非金属材料专题研讨会:先进土木工程材料分会场. 长沙, 湖南. 中国硅酸盐学会2022.7.24-26. (邀请报告)

  3. Yang Wu, Wenxiang Xu. Effective elastic, viscoelastic and transport properties of composites containing arbitrary-shaped particles from convexity to concavity. International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Granular Materials for PhD Students. 2022.05.19-20. (Excellent Presentation Award)

  4. Wenxiang Xu. Digital Twin Concrete. 3rd ACF/HNU International Conference on UHPC Materials and Structures (UHPC-2020). Nanjing, China. October 29-November 1, 2020. (Invited Speaker)

  5. 许文祥, 贾明坤. 基于离散元和双概率布朗运动耦合机制预测含有高浓度非球形颗粒和中间相组成的多相颗粒复合材料热导率. 第三届全国热应力大会, 宁波, 2019.12.06-08.

  6. Wenxiang Xu. Theoretical framework for percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of particulate porous media. China-Belarus International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Granular Materials. Dalian, Dalian University of Technology, November 20-22, 2019. (Invited Keynote)

  7. Wenxiang Xu, Zheng Gong. DEM and micromechanical insight into thermal conductivity of granular materials with high concentrated nonspherical grains and soft interphase. The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019), The 12th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, Dalian, September 27-30, 2019. (Keynote)

  8. Wenxiang Xu, Zheng Gong. Elastic moduli and thermal conductivity of granular materials with nonspherical grains of high packing density and soft interphase. 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM8), University of Twente, Netherlands, July 21-26, 2019. (Oral presentation)

  9. Wenxiang Xu. Generic framework for accurate predictions of percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of porous materials containing 3D anisotropic pores. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2019), Tokyo, Japan, March 25-28, 2019. (Symposium organizer)




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